Results for 'César Escajadillo Saldías'

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  1.  44
    La tradición analítica, dos interpretaciones. Estudio crítico sobre Filosofía analítica: Un panorama de Alejandro Tomasini.César Escajadillo Saldías - 2007 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 6:115-124.
    "El estudio critico no presenta resumen".
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    "Richard Bernstein en conversación con la redacción de Areté" Si la acción fuera o pretendiera ser todo el pensamiento, ese sería el final del pensamiento".César Escajadillo - 2006 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 18 (1):159-174.
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    A new objective definition of quantum entanglement as potential coding of intensive and effective relations.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - 2021 - Synthese 198 (7):6661-6688.
    In de Ronde and Massri it was argued against the orthodox definition of quantum entanglement in terms of pure and separable states. In this paper we attempt to discuss how the logos categorical approach to quantum mechanics is able to provide an objective formal account of the notion of entanglement—completely independent of both purity and separability—in terms of the potential coding of intensive relations and effective relations. We will show how our novel redefinition allows us to provide an anschaulich content (...)
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    Enculturation and the historical origins of number words and concepts.César Frederico dos Santos - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9257-9287.
    In the literature on enculturation—the thesis according to which higher cognitive capacities result from transformations in the brain driven by culture—numerical cognition is often cited as an example. A consequence of the enculturation account for numerical cognition is that individuals cannot acquire numerical competence if a symbolic system for numbers is not available in their cultural environment. This poses a problem for the explanation of the historical origins of numerical concepts and symbols. When a numeral system had not been created (...)
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  5. Multiplex parenting: IVG and the generations to come.César Palacios-González, John Harris & Giuseppe Testa - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (11):752-758.
    Recent breakthroughs in stem cell differentiation and reprogramming suggest that functional human gametes could soon be created in vitro. While the ethical debate on the uses of in vitro generated gametes (IVG) was originally constrained by the fact that they could be derived only from embryonic stem cell lines, the advent of somatic cell reprogramming, with the possibility to easily derive human induced pluripotent stem cells from any individual, affords now a major leap in the feasibility of IVG derivation and (...)
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  6.  48
    Intuitions, theory choice and the ameliorative character of logical theories.César Frederico dos Santos - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12199-12223.
    Anti-exceptionalists about logic claim that logical methodology is not different from scientific methodology when it comes to theory choice. Two anti-exceptionalist accounts of theory choice in logic are abductivism and predictivism. These accounts have in common reliance on pre-theoretical logical intuitions for the assessment of candidate logical theories. In this paper, I investigate whether intuitions can provide what abductivism and predictivism want from them and conclude that they do not. As an alternative to these approaches, I propose a Carnapian view (...)
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  7. Psychology, metaphysics and literature: the description of deep feelings in Bergson.Paulo César Rodrigues - 2013 - Trans/Form/Ação 36 (1):81-100.
    O objetivo deste artigo é o de explorar as relações entre psicologia, metafísica e literatura, a partir do exame do Ensaio sobre os dados imediatos da consciência; mais exatamente, a partir da compreensão dos "sentimentos profundos", que representa, no Ensaio, o momento privilegiado para apreender a estrutura temporal da consciência. Porém, o presente estudo não abordará unicamente o texto de Bergson, suas descrições dos sentimentos profundos (como as emoções estéticas e morais), o que muito provavelmente seria repetitivo. O uso de (...)
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    A questão da alteridade na recepção levinasiana de Heidegger.Paulo Cesar Duque-Estrada - 2006 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 51 (2):29-35.
    Pretende-se situar os momentos determinantes que dão sustentação à proposta de Levinas, elaborada ao longo de sua leitura de Heidegger, no sentido de romper com o pensamento do ser e propor um pensamento do Outro. A leitura de Levinas, como se pretende demonstrar, é atravessada, desde o seu início, pelo fio condutor de uma problematização da pretendida abertura para fora de si mesmo, na qual o Dasein heideggeriano quer se afirmar para além de toda autoconfirmação inerente às filosofias da consciência. (...)
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    Rousseau e a Paz.Paulo César Nodari - 2011 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 56 (3):167-184.
    O propósito do presente artigo é analisar o conceito de paz em Rousseau. Para atingir tal objetivo, é preciso ter presente três aspectos imprescindíveis de desenvolvimento: primeiro, o contexto do século XVI e século XVII a partir de dois questionamentos centrais desta época: o crescimento da desigualdade entre os seres humanos e a legitimidade do absolutismo político; segundo, a proposta de paz à Europa elaborada por Abbé de Saint-Pierre; terceiro, o projeto de paz articulado por Rousseau para a Europa.
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  10. Henri Bergson e a crítica à psicologia científica.Paulo César Rodrigues - 2011 - Princípios 18 (29):231-244.
    Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 O que se pretende examinar com este estudo é a relaçáo visivelmente polêmica que Bergson estabelece, desde seus primeiros trabalhos, com a psicologia de seu tempo. Trata-se, mais exatamente, de investigar a denúncia bergsoniana dos problemas metodológicos presentes na pesquisa científica em psicologia, em particular na psicofísica do século XIX. Ao acompanhar a argumentaçáo crítica do autor, espera-se determinar as intenções filosóficas que animaram semelhante polêmica, bem como compreender o valor teórico das formulações (...)
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    Sweet Tension and its Phenomenological Description: Sport, Intersubjectivity and Horizon.Douglas W. McLaughlin & Cesar R. Torres - 2011 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 5 (3):270 - 284.
    In this paper, we argue that a rich phenomenological description of ?sweet tension? is an important step to understanding how and why sport is a meaningful human endeavour. We introduce the phenomenological concepts of intersubjectivity and horizon and elaborate how they inform the study and understanding of human experience. In the process, we establish that intersubjectivity is always embodied, developing and ethically committed. Likewise, we establish that our horizons are experienced from an embodied, developing and ethically committed perspective that serves (...)
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  12. Reproductive genome editing interventions are therapeutic, sometimes.César Palacios-González - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (6):557-562.
    In this paper I argue that some human reproductive genome editing interventions can be therapeutic in nature, and thus that it is false that all such interventions just create healthy individuals. I do this by showing that the conditions established by a therapy definition are met by certain reproductive genome editing interventions. I then defend this position against two objections: (a) reproductive genome editing interventions do not attain one of the two conditions for something to be a therapy, and (b) (...)
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  13. Lesbian motherhood and mitochondrial replacement techniques: reproductive freedom and genetic kinship.Giulia Cavaliere & César Palacios-González - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (12):835-842.
    In this paper, we argue that lesbian couples who wish to have children who are genetically related to both of them should be allowed access to mitochondrial replacement techniques (MRTs). First, we provide a brief explanation of mitochondrial diseases and MRTs. We then present the reasons why MRTs are not, by nature, therapeutic. The upshot of the view that MRTs are non-therapeutic techniques is that their therapeutic potential cannot be invoked for restricting their use only to those cases where a (...)
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    On Foucault’s Legacy: Governmentality, Critique and Subjectivation as Conceptual Tools for Understanding Neoliberalism.André Duarte & Maria Rita de Assis César - forthcoming - Foucault Studies:6-30.
    The text addresses Foucault’s critical understanding of neoliberalism as a new contemporary governmentality strategy for the conduction of people’s lives. A major aspect of Foucault’s analysis of neoliberalism relies on his understanding of the neoliberal homo oeconomicus as dependent on subjectivation processes related to self-assumed values and standards oriented by the competitive economic market. Our hypothesis is that governmentality, critique and subjectivation are the core notions that shaped Foucault’s understanding of neoliberalism and form the legacy of his seminal analysis. Contrary (...)
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    Managing Ethically Cultural Diversity: Learning from Thomas Aquinas.João César das Neves & Domènec Melé - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (4):769-780.
    Cultural diversity is an inescapable reality and a concern in many businesses where it can often raise ethical questions and dilemmas. This paper aims to offer suggestions to certain problems facing managers in dealing with cultural diversity through the inspiration of Thomas Aquinas. Although he may be perceived as a voice from the distant past, we can still find in his writings helpful and original ideas and criteria. He welcomes cultural differences as a part of the perfection of the universe. (...)
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  16.  68
    Are there moral differences between maternal spindle transfer and pronuclear transfer?César Palacios-González - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (4):503-511.
    This paper examines whether there are moral differences between the mitochondrial replacement techniques that have been recently developed in order to help women afflicted by mitochondrial DNA diseases to have genetically related children absent such conditions: maternal spindle transfer and pronuclear transfer. Firstly, it examines whether there is a moral difference between MST and PNT in terms of the divide between somatic interventions and germline interventions. Secondly, it considers whether PNT and MST are morally distinct under a therapy/creation optic. Finally, (...)
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  17.  20
    Kochen-Specker Theorem, Physical Invariance and Quantum Individuality.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - unknown
    In this paper we attempt to discuss what has Kochen-Specker theorem to say about physical invariance and quantum individuality. In particular, we will discuss the impossibility of making reference to objective physical properties within the orthodox formalism of quantum mechanics. Through an analysis of the meaning of physical invariance and quantum contextuality we will derive a Corollary to KS theorem that proves that a vector in Hilbert space cannot be interpreted coherently as an object possessing physical properties. As a consequence, (...)
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  18.  21
    Anti-Historicismo e Engenharia Social Parcelar Em Karl Popper: Realismo Ou Moralismo Político?Júlio César Lima de Farias - 2024 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 15 (39):213-230.
    Conhecido pela sua defesa da sociedade aberta, Karl Popper inseriu no seu pensamento uma atitude de combate ao historicismo, identificado como a raiz dos totalitarismos ao longo da história do Ocidente. Propôs também uma forma de intervenção na sociedade que estaria atrelada a essa conduta, a engenharia social parcelar. Essas noções podem ser contextualizadas a partir de um dos debates da filosofia contemporânea, a dicotomia moralismo político x realismo político. Considerando as premissas que dão origem ao debate, percebe-se que os (...)
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  19. The Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track: Implementation and Challenges.Justino Cesar Arban, Fernando Enad & Asuncion Pabalan - 2024 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 26 (1):6-12.
    This study delved into the Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track in Bohol Province for the 2022-2023 school year, aiming to evaluate policy implementation, recognize barriers, and propose interventions. Employing a mixed-method approach, integrating quantitative-descriptive surveys and qualitative-descriptive research methods as recommended by Creswell and Plano Clark (2017), the findings unveiled a predominantly positive perception of policy implementation across various dimensions of the TVL track. These encompass curriculum development, teacher training, resource allocation, industry partnerships, assessment and evaluation, student support services, (...)
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  20. Self-Transcendent Aspirations and Life Satisfaction: The Moderated Mediation Role of Gratitude Considering Conditional Effects of Affective and Cognitive Empathy.Xavier Oriol, Jesús Unanue, Rafael Miranda, Alberto Amutio & César Bazán - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  21.  24
    Para um socratismo exemplar: Euclides de Mégara e a filosofia do Bem.Cesar Augusto Mathias de Alencar - 2019 - Investigação Filosófica 10 (1):15.
    Pretendemos neste artigo apresentar uma aproximação crítica com relação à filosofia desenvolvida pelos chamados megáricos, em face sobretudo da figura de Euclides de Mégara como representante e líder dessa linhagem de pensamento. O enfoque será feito tendo em vista o tipo de filosofia exposta e praticada por Euclides, a partir das acusações que contra ela se fizeram denunciando-a como pura erística, ou seja, a disputa e o debate entre discursos com o único objetivo de obter vitória na argumentação. O que (...)
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  22.  23
    Relational quantum entanglement beyond non-separable and contextual relativism.Christian de Ronde & César Massri - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 97 (C):68-78.
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    Entrevista com Ivan Domingues: Epistemologia das ciências humanas.Ivan Domingues, Weiny César Freitas Pinto & Allison Vicente Xavier Gonzalez - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (3):13-32.
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    Religião e Linguagem: abordagens teóricas interdisciplinares.Júlio Cesar Tavares Tavares Dias - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (47):1097-1101.
    Book reviews: NOGUEIRA, Paulo Augusto de Souza. Religião e linguagem: abordagens teóricas interdisciplinares. São Paulo: Paulus, 2015. 446 p.. ISBN 978-85-349-4187-7.
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    Against the Tyranny of ‘Pure States’ in Quantum Theory.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - 2021 - Foundations of Science 27 (1):27-41.
    We argue that the notion of pure sate within Standard Quantum Mechanics is presently applied within the specialized literature in relation to two mutually inconsistent definitions. While the first provides a basis-dependent definition which makes reference to the certain prediction of measurement outcomes, the latter provides a purely abstract invariant definition which lacks operational content. In this work we derive a theorem which exposes the serious inconsistencies existent within these two incompatible definitions of purity.
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  26. Ethical heuristics for pandemic allocation of ventilators across hospitals.César Palacios-González, Jonathan Pugh, Dominic Wilkinson & Julian Savulescu - 2022 - Developing World Bioethics 22 (1):34-43.
    In response to the COVID‐19 pandemic philosophers and governments have proposed scarce resource allocation guidelines. Their purpose is to advise healthcare professionals on how to ethically allocate scarce medical resources. One challenging feature of the pandemic has been the large numbers of patients needing mechanical ventilatory support. Guidelines have paradigmatically focused on the question of what doctors should do if they have fewer ventilators than patients who need respiratory support: which patient should get the ventilator? There is, however, an important (...)
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  27. Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques and Mexico’s Rule of Law: On the Legality of the First Maternal Spindle Transfer Case.César Palacios-González - 2017 - Journal of Law and the Biosciences 4 (1):50–69.
    News about the first baby born after a mitochondrial replacement technique (MRT; specifically maternal spindle transfer) broke on September 27, 2016 and, in a matter of hours, went global. Of special interest was the fact that the mitochondrial replacement procedure happened in Mexico. One of the scientists behind this world first was quoted as having said that he and his team went to Mexico to carry out the procedure because, in Mexico, there are no rules. In this paper, we explore (...)
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  28.  21
    From Logic Towards the Mystical: the Appearance of Mysticism in Wittgenstein’s Writings.Rodrigo César Castro Lima - 2023 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 25 (2):50-66.
    Meu objetivo aqui é o de abordar os escritos iniciais de Wittgenstein com base na tradição do misticismo filosófico. O benefício de minha leitura se deve ao fato de permitir uma certa clarificação no que tange a determinadas passagens obscuras, além de trazer à tona perspectivas inexploradas concernentes ao período inicial do autor; fase esta que, em minha opinião, ainda requer um nível de escrutínio adicional.Entendo que especialmente no caso do Tractatus, Wittgenstein não incida no místico por conta de uma (...)
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    Mitochondrial replacement techniques: egg donation, genealogy and eugenics.César Palacios-González - 2016 - Monash Bioethics Review 34 (1):37-51.
    Several objections against the morality of researching or employing mitochondrial replacement techniques have been advanced recently. In this paper, I examine three of these objections and show that they are found wanting. First I examine whether mitochondrial replacement techniques, research and clinical practice, should not be carried out because of possible harms to egg donors. Next I assess whether mitochondrial replacement techniques should be banned because they could affect the study of genealogical ancestry. Finally, I examine the claim that mitochondrial (...)
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  30.  26
    Reflections on Epistemic-Ontological Alignment in Theorizing Process: the Case of RBV.Júlio César da Costa Júnior, Leandro da Silva Nascimento, Taciana de Barros Jerônimo, Jackeline Amantino de Andrade & Marcos André Mendes Primo - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (2):179-198.
    Although from a philosophical perspective, many reflections can be brought up about the theorizing process, in this essay, we aim to reflect on the importance of the alignment between ontology and epistemology. This is particularly relevant because deeper discussions about the philosophical roots that underlay the theorizing processes remain as a lack in organizational and management studies. To support our work, we adopted the epistemic-ontological alignment model as a conceptual tool and the Resource-Based View (RBV) and some of its questionings (...)
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    El problema del nuevo testimonio en Chile. Relatos de víctimas de tortura y abuso sexual.César Carbullanca Núñez - 2022 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 25:9-36.
    El artículo estudia la emergencia de testimonios de torturados durante la dictadura militar y posteriormente de testimonios de víctimas de abusos sexuales y de conciencia por parte de sacerdotes chilenos, postulando que estamos frente un nuevo tipo de testimonio que emerge de situaciones de violencia. La pesquisa realiza un análisis semiótico de estos relatos estudiando axiomas que caracterizan este tipo de texto sosteniendo que estos textos poseen una relevancia epistémica y teológica esencial para la superación de la crisis eclesial.
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  32.  50
    Do Presente ao Passado: A Metafísica das Atribuições de Lembrança.César Schirmer dos Santos - forthcoming - Dissertatio.
    In this essay, I explore the question concerning truthmakers for attributions of memory of events, which I express with the schema “S remembers E”. To answer this question, I distinguish remembering in the descriptive sense, which is based on subjective experience, from remembering in the normative sense, which requires some correspondence with actual past events. As a method of approaching attributions of memory, I will use the method of cases. Based on this method, I address the metaphysical problem of the (...)
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    (1 other version)Fenômeno e corporalidade em Leibniz.Luis César Guimarães Oliva - 2005 - Doispontos 2 (1).
    O problema da corporalidade em Leibniz se vincula necessariamente à discussão sobre o estatuto da matéria em uma Metafísica cuja base são as mônadas imateriais. Veremos que, neste contexto, o material deverá ser fenomênico, mas nem por isso ilusório. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar como o campo fenomênico, cujo caso exemplar é o corpo, pode ganhar um suporte metafísico e racionalmente justificado, constituindo o que Leibniz chama de fenômenos bem fundados. Para tal, deverá ser feito um exame cuidadoso da (...)
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    La repolitización de la sociedad como sentimentalización de la política. ¿Superación del privatismo civil?César Ortega-Esquembre & Miguel Ortega - 2021 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 26 (2).
    El presente artículo se propone analizar el par conceptual “privatismo civil / politización de la sociedad”. El objetivo es cuestionar si una de las formas concretas que adoptan hoy los procesos de repolitización de la sociedad civil, a saber, el llamado politainment y la sentimentalización del relato político, constituye o no una superación del privatismo civil. Para ello reconstruiremos primero la aparición del privatismo civil en el capitalismo tardío. En segundo lugar, analizaremos el surgimiento de esa conciencia ciudadana participativa que (...)
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    ¿Para qué sirve realmente la ética?, por Adela Cortina.César Ortega Esquembre - 2015 - Quaderns de Filosofia 2 (1):117-121.
    Reseña de Cortina Orts, Adela 2013, ¿Para qué sirve realmente la ética?, Barcelona: Paidós. ISBN 978-84-493-2877-0, 184 páginas.
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    Pragmática transcendental y filosofía social: Karl Otto Apel, Jürgen Habermas y la nueva fundamentación de la Teoría Crítica.César Ortega Esquembre - 2019 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 78:155-170.
    El objetivo de este artículo es defender que la pragmática transcendental ofrece la fundamentación normativa de la teoría crítica como teoría de la acción comunicativa. Para ello se expondrá en primer lugar el problema de la normatividad en la Teoría Crítica de la sociedad. Tras describir la forma que adquiere esta teoría tras el giro lingüístico operado por Jürgen Habermas, se reconstruirán en tercer lugar los elementos fundamentales de la pragmática transcendental apeliana y habermasiana. En cuarto y último lugar se (...)
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  37. Resource Allocation, Treatment, Disclosure, and Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques: Some Comments on de Melo-Martin and Harris.César Palacios-gonzález - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (2):278-287.
    Some Comments on de Melo-Martin and Harris.
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  38. Self-Knowledge and Epistemic Virtues: Between Reliabilism and Responsibilism.César Schirmer dos Santos - 2015 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 60 (3):579-593.
    This paper is about the role of self-knowledge in the cognitive life of a virtuous knower. The main idea is that it is hard to know ourselves because introspection is an unreliable epistemic source, and reason can be a source of insidious forms of self-deception. Nevertheless, our epistemic situation is such that an epistemically responsible agent must be constantly looking for a better understanding of her own character traits and beliefs, under the risk of jeopardizing her own status as a (...)
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  39. Genetic parenthood and causation: An objection to Douglas and Devolder’s modified direct proportionate genetic descent account.César Palacios-González - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (9):1085-1090.
    In a recent publication Tom Douglas and Katrien Devolder have proposed a new account of genetic parenthood, building on the work of Heidi Mertes. Douglas and Devolder’s account aims to solve, among other things, the question of who are the genetic parents of an individual created through somatic cell nuclear transfer (i.e. cloning): (a) the nuclear DNA provider or (b) the progenitors of the nuclear DNA provider. Such a question cannot be answered by simply appealing to the folk account of (...)
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    Transhumanismo y consciencia fenoménica.Eduardo César Garrido Merchán - 2021 - Relectiones 9:109-126.
    Los últimos avances de la ciencia invitan a pensar en la posibilidad práctica del transhumanismo. Pero quizá es pertinente estudiar una pregunta a la que todavía ni la ciencia ni la filosofía han sabido dar respuesta. En concreto, la naturaleza de la consciencia fenoménica de Ned Block o del concepto de vigilancia de Stanislas Dehaene. Pese a los últimos avances en neurociencia y en inteligencia artificial, seguimos sin pistas para responder a la pregunta del problema fuerte de la consciencia de (...)
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    A Veil of Separation.Douglas W. McLaughlin & Cesar R. Torres - 2014 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 28 (2):353-372.
    The Olympic Games and the soccer World Cup are large international mega-events that demonstrate how highly valued sport is around the world. However, alongside the celebrations of sporting excellences is the opportunity to reflect upon and criticize the International Olympic Committee, the Fédération Internationale de Football Association, and the host cities for ethical concerns that often accompany these events. One recent example is FIFA’s decision to ban women’s soccer players from wearing hijabs. Yet the IOC has encoded in its own (...)
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    El coaching como recurso comunicacional para potenciar el talento y la innovación en las organizaciones.César Mejía Chiang - 2019 - Cultura 33:25-52.
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    La enseñanza clínica del derecho. Presupuestos metodológicos y teóricos para la inclusión de la interdisciplinariedad en la formación jurídica.César Augusto Molina Saldarriaga - 2012 - Ratio Juris 7 (15):81-104.
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    Scito te ipsum. La responsabilidad individual y los penitenciales del siglo XII / Scito te ipsum. Individual Responsibility and 12th Century Penitentials.César Raña Dafonte - 2011 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 18:69.
    In this paper we introduce the great innovation that takes place in the XIIth century in relation to individual responsibility; this novelty is analyzed in contraposition to what happened in previous centuries of the Early Middle Ages. The main source used are the Penitential Books, specially the one by Alan of Lille.
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    Philosophical or political foundation of constitutional law?: perspectives in conflict.Pablo César Riberi & Konrad Lachmayer (eds.) - 2014 - Wien: Facultas.wuv.
    What kind of discourse is likely to build up constitutional norms? How do legal-philosophical insights get along with competing political claims? This book presents the main conclusions from the CITC (Congreso Internacional de Teoria Constitucional) in Cordoba, Argentina. While addressing the very foundations of Constitutional Law, leading scholars from Europe and America got together to debate legal and political issues which impinge upon institutional design and polity assessment, political representation and rights protection. Not to mention other vexing challenges such as (...)
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  46.  51
    Human dignity and the creation of human–nonhuman chimeras.César Palacios-González - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (4):487-499.
    In this work I present a detailed critique of the dignity-related arguments that have been advanced against the creation of human–nonhuman chimeras that could possess human-like mental capacities. My main claim is that the arguments so far advanced are incapable of grounding a principled objection against the creation of such creatures. I conclude that these arguments have one, or more, of the following problems: they confuse the ethical assessment of the creation of chimeras with the ethical assessment of how such (...)
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    Genealogical obscurement: mitochondrial replacement techniques and genealogical research.César Palacios-González - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Mitochondrial replacement techniques (MRTs) are a new group of biotechnologies that aim to aid women whose eggs have disease-causing deleteriously mutated mitochondria to have genetically related healthy children. These techniques have also been used to aid women with poor oocyte quality and poor embryonic development, to have genetically related children. Remarkably, MRTs create humans with DNA from three sources: nuclear DNA from the intending mother and father, and mitochondrial DNA from the egg donor. In a recent publication Françoise Baylis argued (...)
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    Un ámbito sin límite ni salvedad. La fenomenología como ciencia abierta y la recepción en Heidegger y Marion del "Principio de todos los principios".César Moreno-Marquez - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 5:239.
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    Does egg donation for mitochondrial replacement techniques generate parental responsibilities?César Palacios-González - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (12):817-822.
    Children created through mitochondrial replacement techniques (MRTs) are commonly presented as possessing 50% of their mother’s nuclear DNA, 50% of their father’s nuclear DNA and the mitochondrial DNA of an egg donor. This lab-engineered genetic composition has prompted two questions: Do children who are the product of an MRT procedure have threegeneticparents? And, do MRT egg donors have parental responsibilities for the children created? In this paper, I address the second question and in doing so I also address the first (...)
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  50. Debates Contemporâneos em Filosofia da Memória: Uma Breve Introdução.César Schirmer dos Santos, André Sant'Anna, Kourken Michaelian, James Openshaw & Denis Perrin - forthcoming - Lampião.
    Neste artigo apresentamos, de forma concisa e em português, alguns elementos-chave dos principais debates contemporâneos na filosofia da memória. Nosso principal objetivo é tornar essas discussões mais acessíveis aos leitores de língua portuguesa, fornecendo uma atualização importante para esforços anteriores (Sant’Anna & Michaelian, 2019a). Começamos introduzindo a noção de viagem no tempo mental, a qual estabelece a base empírica para a metodologia empregada em trabalhos recentes, antes de apresentar dois debates centrais. Primeiro, o debate entre causalistas e simulacionistas sobre a (...)
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